Benefits of Breast Milk Supplements

There is nothing more frustrating for a mother than to deliver her newborn baby and not be able to produce enough breast milk, while you may be considering a baby formula, if possible its better to hold off and try to get your own breast milk flowing.

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Formulas can cause colic and bloating plus it can irritate a baby’s stomach, so the more milk that you can produce naturally the better off you will be in the long run.

A mother’s breast milk is the best thing she can do for her child, it is packed with the right amount of nutrients, healthy fats and it is what helps build up your baby’s immune system up.

How breast milk supplements work?

Any kind of quality breast milk supplement will help increase your milk supply, most will contain high amounts of Milk Thistle also known as Silymarin, other ingredients may include Fenugreek seed, Fennel seed and dandelion root.

Some of the ingredients above help stimulate phytoestrogens which help regulate estrogen levels, other ingredients help improve serotonin levels, while you may be thinking that a breast milk supplement might be expensive they are actually not and in the long run if you can produce enough breast milk yourself think of the money you would have otherwise spent on formulas.

What kind of breast milk supplement is best

This all depends on what you are looking for, there are milk drops that can be taken in water or tea but usually the ingredients in an herbal tonic are not as strong or effective as a supplement that contains concentrated amounts of different ingredients, plus most of them come in an easy to take capsule form making sure you get the right dose.

Breast milk supplements work fast

Breast milk supplements begin to work almost immediately after you take them for the very first time, most women will notice a significant increase in breast milk after only a couple of days, and usually after a week breast milk will be plentiful.

  • Benefits of breast milk supplements
  • Increase breast milk  80% or more
  • Works within the first couple of days
  • Safe for both mother and baby
  • No side effects
  • No side effect

How much do breast milk supplements cost 

On average most breast supplements cost under $50.00 and depending on your needs it can last for a couple of months, a lot depends on how much milk you need to produce.


As you can see breast milk supplements can offer many benefits and increase breast milk which will make both you and your baby happy, the best thing of all is that you can rest knowing your baby is getting all the right nutrients that will keep you baby healthy and will grow up to be strong and with a good immune system.

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Benefits of Breast Milk Supplements

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